Are Elite Athletes Healthy?

Are elite athletes healthy?

Are athletes healthy? Can they be fit but not healthy? Let’s take a look.

Take a look at this guy’s leg.

Varicose Veins Cyclist

This is George Hincapie and he was one of the top cyclists in the world. He won the Tour De France. He has a horrible varicose vein issue, and that’s correlated with getting a stroke/aneurysm later.

How about this five-time gold medalist rower, Steve Redgrave? He won his last medal even after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and type II diabetes. (Check out his hairline and stubborn belly-fat.)

Steve Redgrave

How about Lebron James? He reportedly got a hair transplant (I’d say because he’s got a mineral imbalance in his body.) Could it be what he’s consuming?

Lebron James Hair Loss Gatorade Diet

I first started to get this when I was trying to understand Kevin Durant. His condition is what opened my eyes on this topic of athletes and health.

Kevin Durant Crown Balding

He had a bad case of crown balding, just like me. A long time ago, I had read a study showing that crown balding was linked to heart disease (2003).

When I realized that Durant, an elite athlete, someone who likely had the world’s best cardio fitness through countless years of intense training, it finally clicked for me that this heart problem wasn’t an exercise problem. It was either a nutritional or environmental problem.

Funnily enough, the same mineral imbalance that is linked to crown balding is also linked to having tendon issues and hernias. Kevin Durant is often on the bench due to his ACL tears. (Him being out is why my city finally won the NBA championships in 2019, my city embarrassingly cheering when he was injured again on the court.)

If the world’s top athletes, who have access to millions and millions of dollars—and all the time in the world to heal and do re-hab can’t get healthy—

What chance do us mere mortals have?

How can we be healthy and strong while spending all day working, being a mom or dad, buying groceries, doing meal prep, etc.?

The good news is that you’re armed with the right information.

Improving your health is mostly a nutritional issue.

Yes, there’s the problem of us being indoor cats and avoiding the sun and nature. Most of us bathe in chlorine and fluoride daily. And some of us live near powerlines.

But our biggest opportunity to turn our health around is with what we eat.

Now, not all athletes are unhealthy.

Cristiano Ronaldo is famous for being one of the greatest footballers of all time—and he’s still dominating today despite closing in to his forties.

Ronaldo snubbed the Coca-Cola’s placed in front of him during a press conference in a viral video, saying to drink water instead. 

He has a personal chef that serves him six meals a day, made up of mainly different types of fish, olives, steak, chicken, eggs, potatoes, and rice. He avoids sugar. Maybe we can learn a little bit from him and what works in the real world:

Cristiano Ronaldo Diet Example

I suffered a lot of bad health effects from overdosing on protein powders, synthetic supplements, and carb-powders like maltodextrin. I ate endless amounts of cookies because I wasn’t fat and thought that was all that mattered at the time.

It’s great to build muscle.

But it’s even better to do it without sacrificing your vitality and youthfulness because your plan didn’t consider that. It’s better to become strong while having robust and clear skin, keeping your hair, and keeping your heart health.

The even better news is that even if you’re suffering from some health issues, you can reverse a ton of damage just by avoiding foods that make you feel bad and eating more foods that make you feel good.

If you want help learning how to build muscle in a way that supports your overall fitness and health, check out True Gains here.

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